7 Inclusion Framework Guidance
How can the IF support inclusion?
To discuss any of the below further, please contact your link Inclusion Partner and/or Educational
Area of Focus Support through the IF Previous successful IF projects
Identification Access to specific assessments
or support to consider the most
appropriate assessments
Training and CPD to ensure staff are
competent and confident to identify
and monitor pupils' emerging needs
Building systems and ways of working
that enable timely and accurate
identification of needs in a specific area
of need that has high incidence in the
pupil population
Specific speech and language training
and resources to better identify and
meet needs.
Training to upskill, better identify and
meet SEMH needs across the school
(e.g. trauma informed practices, ELSA,
Environment Adaptations to environment to address
specific identified barriers Improved
infrastructure to make it easier for all
pupils to engage with all opportunities
across the school community
Adaptation of room/s and provision of
resources and training to enable schools
to create sensory spaces and/or nurture
spaces to implement support for small
groups of children
Resourcing a room as a speech and
language intervention area
Outdoor learning environment/onsite
Forest School sessions focused on
building self-esteem and resilience
Workforce Training, development or upskilling of
the workforce to deliver targeted or
specialist interventions, support group
work and support families to be key
learning partners at home
Specific, time-limited, additional
adult support, for one pupil's morning
sessions, with planned transfer of
learning to existing substantive roles
within school
Support, information, resource or
training for families to be confident in
their role as learning partner for their
child, building on interventions/provision
in school
Support, resource or projects that
enable parents, carers and young
people to be active participants in
decision making about their support
Support for re-integration, including
a hub / calm room for children and
Joint working on a project to support
transition prior to joining secondary