6 Inclusion Framework Guidance
The Inclusion Framework process
The Inclusion Framework follows the graduated approach 'Assess, Plan, Do, Review' - aligning
seamlessly with One Planning.
By using this simple process and adding the high-level profiling grid, staff, families and/or young
people themselves can proactively, quickly and easily, use the IF process for all children, rather
than waiting for a barrier to present itself.
Profile students against the IF grid, identify any potential barriers to education
Work with pastoral/SEND/attendance colleagues and Inclusion Partner and/ or EP for support, to
investigate barriers and better understand underlying need
Undertake proportionate, effective assessments to gather more information, where needed
Identify trends across cohorts or whole populations
Develop innovative approaches
to address the needs of students
identified through the framework,
using the action plan and access
to specialists for support
Consider the sustainability of
the plan
Consider the impact of the plan,
such as opportunities to avoid
'alternative outcomes' such as
reduced attendance, permanent
exclusion, EHCNA
Implement targeted
interventions to support
children/young people to
progress toward identified
Where additional support
is required from the LA in
order to implement creative
solutions, work with IP/EP
to submit a proposal to the
Inclusion Framework Panel
12-18 week cycles of
Assess and record
individual and group
Ongoing until such time
barriers are removed and
impact is sustained
Share impact and learning
with LA team