10 Inclusion Framework Guidance
Appendix A: Inclusion Framework Videos
Kings Road: https://vimeo.com/user22067452/review/724973772/fb317f4f35
Beauchamps: https://vimeo.com/user22067452/review/724966849/cb62eb742a
Appendix B: What has informed the Inclusion Framework?
1. Preparing for
Adulthood 'factfinding' and strategy
development: 2018/19
A series of meetings were held with Essex Family Forum, parents/
carers, special school heads, mainstream heads, Early Years providers,
Post-16 providers, Targeted Employment team, SEND teams, Multischools Council, Adult
Community Learning and the DFE Regional PfA
team to understand the challenges and current experiences around
Preparing for Adulthood, and capture thoughts on possible solutions.
y As highlighted in the Essex SEND inspection 2019 findings report,
the strengths when children and YP have an EHCP or are known to
Social Care are not the case for students on SEND Support.
y Loss of parent/carer confidence early on leads to a push for
'diagnosis' and 'the EHCP'.
y Lack of aspiration: Some parent/carer voice shows that a
surprising number of parents lack aspiration for their children
and young people. This often relates to genuine concerns about
financial impact on the family, a lack of education and/or
perceived lack of opportunity relating to employment options e.g.
supported internships.
y 'I can't think past when they leave here; I wouldn't sleep at night' -
Special School Head
y 'What is the point of an 'outstanding' education if a young person
goes on to live a 'requires improvement' or an 'inadequate' life?' -