5 Inclusion Strategy
Delivering our commitments
1. Essex County Council is committed to supporting schools to plan, implement, and review inclusion
strategies that are evidence-informed and tailored to their cohorts and contexts.
2. In addition, we will review and support:
• the promotion of positive, mutually respectful relationships and children's* wellbeing
• children's* attendance and participation
• children's* achievement and the extent to which they move-on to appropriate next steps
*all children, with a spotlight on disadvantaged and SEND
Delivering our commitments:
We will deliver our commitments in the following ways:
Initiative How this supports the commitments
Inclusion Reviews Supportive reviews offered to all schools and academies.
Inclusion Framework An approach that enables the profiling of individuals and pupil
cohorts, early intervention, and opportunities to seek financial
support to develop systemic inclusive practices.
Support for schools and
A range of training, resources, and support for schools and
academies to facilitate the further development of inclusive
practices, including the Ordinarily Available: Inclusive Teaching
Delivery plans Plans that specifically focus ECC resources on the delivery of our