13 Guidance for reviews of average-sized primary schools
Inclusion Reviews
Example timetable for average sized primary schools
Review Lead: TBC Reviewer: TBC
Foci Pillars 1 and 3
y Positive, mutually respectful
relationships, and wellbeing
y Achieving and moving-on
Pillars 2 and 3
y Attending and participating
y Achieving and moving-on
8.30am to 9am Arrival of review team lead
9am to 9.15am Arrival of review team/initial team meeting
9.15am to 10am Leading inclusion - Headteacher/Principal and SLT
(To include time for a short team reflection at the end)
10am to 10.30am Governors and/or trustees Parents (engaged)
10.30am to 11am Parents (hard to reach) Pupils (hard to reach)
11am to 11.15am Break/team catch-up
11.15am to 11.45am Pupils (with responsibility) Teachers/support staff
(to discuss pillar 2)
11.45am to 12.15pm Climate walk Teachers/support staff
(to discuss pillar 3)
12.15pm to 12.45pm SLT/other leaders linked to pillar 1 Pupils
12.45pm to 1.15pm SLT/other leaders linked to pillar 3 SENCO and disadvantage lead
1.15pm to 2pm Lunch/team catch-up and climate walk
2pm to 2.30pm Pupils (or CEO, if applicable) Climate walk
2.30pm to 3pm Teachers/support staff
(to discuss pillar 1)
SLT/other leaders linked to pillar 2
3pm to 4pm Team meeting/report drafting
4pm to 4.30pm Feedback
NB: A meeting must be scheduled with the lead teacher in any school hosting an Enhanced Provision
(see Appendix 4).